Johnny Depp Lands First Ever Fragrance Campaign

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Depp 4 Dior. Jane 4 Depp.

Today I'm going to ramble on about something - or should I say someone? - close to my heart. News has just been announced that my all time favourite human being, Johnny Depp, has been chosen to become the new face of Christian Dior's fragrance for men. Yes that's right ladies, you can now force your boyfriends to smell like a bonafide pirate superstar. 

For as long as I can remember, Johnny Depp has been my ultimate crush. As a teenager, my tiny gothic heart longed for an outsider like Mr Depp. He was my first love, before I really fell in love and I was absolutely obsessed with everything he did. I still am to some extent, although nothing like I was when I was fourteen. This is probably the reason I freaked when I read the headline "You Can Now Smell Like Johnny Depp" and instantly clicked on it. 

The fragrance name is not yet known, although I am on the edge of my seat with anticipation. Though it has been stated that the campaign will be released on the 1st September. Whilst all other details are yet to be announced, I'm hoping for advertisement after advertisement of Johnny Depp swaying about drinking rum and starring into the camera *swoon*. I will most definitely be purchasing the fragrance for myself. Yeah, I'm not a man, but it's JOHNNY DEPP SMELLING. I'll leave that with you.
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