Advertise With Me

From JANUARY 1ST 2014 I will be offering cheap advertising to bloggers and shops.  I will be offering four different packages which I will go into below. To advertise with me you need to email with all of your details and we can get things sorted. Your advert will run for one month, I will email you back to state the dates and times you will be advertised for. 

If there is no packages left you can email me to secure a package for the month after. I will put you in my calender and will email you to confirm all dates and times. 

All payments are to be made through PayPal. 

Package One: Princess Package (small) 
5 slots available each month
Small blog button/linked ad in my sidebar
One tweet linking to your blog/shop 

Package Two: Queen Package (medium)
5 slots available each month
Small blog button/linked ad in my sidebar
Two tweets linking to your blog/shop 
A #FF (follow Friday) every week on Twitter throughout the month

Package Three: Enchantress Package (large)
5 slots available each month
Small blog button/linked ad in my sidebar
Five tweets linking to your blog/shop
A #FF (follow Friday) every week on Twitter throughout the month
You will be featured in my "Monthly Advertisers" blog post, posted on the 1st of every month - this will include a blog banner of your choice, a description written by you about your blog and links to all social media platforms

Package Four: Ultimate Queen Of The World Package
1 slot available each month
Large blog button/linked ad in my sidebar
Five tweets linking to your blog/shop
A #FF (follow Friday) every week on Twitter throughout the month
A Tumblr blog post linking to your blog
You will be featured in my "Monthly Advertisers" blog post, posted on the 1st of every month - this will include a blog banner of your choice, a description written by you about your blog and links to all social media platforms
One blog post about your blog/shop written by me with an introduction written by you which will advertise you and all your social media platforms
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