A Post On Insecurities!


I've been thinking a lot about insecurities recently, namely my insecurities and how I feel about myself. Like many girls, I feel I have a lot wrong with me. Things I wish I could change both on the inside and mostly the outside, things I think about every day but can't change no matter how much I try. 

I know a lot of girls feel like this but not many people can talk truthfully about it but I just wanted to say - I'm here for you and I completely get it.

I've always struggled with the way I've looked. I was never teased at school or anything, it was more how I felt about myself at the time - I thought about it that much, that even now that I look completely different, I still feel the same. I still feel horrible and disgusting 99.9% of the time. I grew up on the internet, on tumblr looking at all these drop dead gorgeous girls and I always wondered WHY IS THAT NOT ME? 

Why is my nose so big? Why is my hair so flat? Why is my face so wide? Why am I so short? What's wrong with my chin? Why don't I look like everyone else? 

The truth of the matter is, I'm never going to look like I want to, so why not embrace it? I've tried, trust me I've tried but it's ending up with me masking my face in layers and layers of makeup. If someone sees me without makeup, they don't realise it's me. I've literally been drawing my face on these last 2 years out of insecurity. It's not healthy. 

But that's just it - I've realised IT'S NOT HEALTHY. For anyone. For me, or for you. Most of us feel insecure when we are reading magazines or looking at photos of other girls. But just look at yourself! You're probably led on your bed, in your pyjamas, with your hair up in a scruffy bun and wearing no makeup. No wonder we feel like crap if we are comparing ourselves to other girls when we are chilling out in our rooms. We haven't got makeup on and we haven't been excessively photo-shopped. This is something I have to keep telling myself. Nobody looks like that in real life, so why keep comparing myself to something that doesn't exist without the aid of computer magic? 

There's no such thing as perfect and we are all beautiful in our own way! 
Sure you might think you have a funny smile, but it's your funny smile and it's what makes you different from everyone else. 

Our insecurities make us beautiful. 

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  1. Lovely post! You're right, it's not healthy to compare yourself to other people all the time - because you're not other people, you are you! :)

    Jesss xo

    1. Yep and there's absolutely nothing wrong with being you! :D xx

  2. I did a post on body image the other day, it's nice to know I'm not alone :)

    1. Us girls got to stick together!! I'll check out your post now xx

  3. This is a truly fab and wonderful post! xx

  4. This is such a great post as I know so many of us blogger deal with this same situation x


  5. great post it's good sometimes to reassure ourselves that everyone has insecurities and i bet even if we changed everything about ourselves we'de still find something we don't like. i totally agree everyone should just embrace what they've got! x

  6. Such a great post, and something I think is sorely needed in the blogging community. It's easy to lose yourself in comparing how you look to others

  7. I completely agree with this! There's been times I've actually gone out and bought make up just because Closer has told me I will look like a certain celebrity, did it work? No haha. Posts like this really are needed, especially as you say we're growing up on/with the internet!

    Beth xx



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