Life Update!


Just a quick life update!

  1. On Sunday the 24th March (this weekend!) it will be mine and Kieron's two year anniversary. I'm so excited and I cannot actually believe we've made it this far! I'm so in love! 
  2. I've been working super hard at University and finished 3 projects today, which I'm really glad of. There's only something like 6 proper weeks left of lessons and I feel like for once I actually have things under control - although we'll see how I feel in a few more weeks. 
  3. My sister has booked her wedding and the wedding date. 7th April 2015 at Park Hall in Chorley - so exciting. The venue is literally right next to the old theme-park Camelot and it's so cute, it's all Camelot themed and she's going in the medieval suite! How many people can you honestly say have had a medieval wedding!
  4. My favourite song of the moment is "22" by Taylor Swift. Oh my god girls, why do I love Taylor Swift so much? It's a joke. I used to be such a mosher and now I've turned into a complete and utter girl! 
  5. I literally have less than £100 to live on for the next 4 weeks until my loan comes in. I feel like crying, and the thing is that I can't physically stop myself from spending and buying new things. I need a shopping re-hab.
  6. I'm getting tortoise number 2 in a few months. I'm hoping for a girl then I can breed Sid, so if any of you are interested in owning tortoises then get in touch and we can do a cute deal and you can have one of my potential babies. Thinking of calling the new tort Dinosaur!
  7. I have now seen every single episode of Spongebob Squarepants and I am extremely ashamed of myself.
Hope you're all good! x

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  1. Congratulations on your anniversary!

    Much love,
    Jennifer x

  2. Congrats on 2 years togev!! Wish I was as organised as you with uni work! So much to do and no motivation, not good!

  3. Great post love :)

    Please check out my blog and perhaps we could follow each other :)


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