I'm back! Did you miss me? I know you did.


I am officially finished with University for this year so I'm back with a brand new blog layout and loads of new posts ready for you to read and take part in. I'm so happy to be able to blog properly again, like, you don't even understand how excited I am to be typing this right now. I am actually getting little butterflies of excitement. It's like starting a new blog all over again. I cannot believe it's been over a month since I last wrote and published a post, have you missed me? I know you have! 

This layout has taken me the last two hours to build up, I am rubbish with HTML codes and I wanted all these fancy things like the dashed lines and stuff so spent absolutely ages googling how to do things! I'm quite proud of it. It feels so good to have a new start. I feel like my blog had been tainted by the fact that I wasn't mentally in the best place these last few months, but now everything is finished, Uni is finally over and I can really focus on my blog and my hobbies now. 

So I guess since I've been away for so long I really want to just hear from you! What have you been doing this last month, have you had a nice time? Have you had a rubbish time? Have you done anything exciting or scary? ANYTHING. I literally just want to have a comment chat with you all.

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