I've seen this on a few blogs today and so I thought I'd jump on that band-wagon (especially because I haven't got anything else to post!) and hopefully a few more people can do this TAG and we can all learn cute stuff about eachother and it will be great!
So let's get started...
- I'm 21 years old but I look like I am about 16
- I have been in a relationship with Kieron for almost two years now and I've never been so in love. I'm still absolutely crazy about him after all this time.
- I wear too much make-up to compensate for the fact that I was seriously unfortunate looking when I was growing up *insecure*
- I'm really scared of the dark
- I believe in ghosts, demons, faeries, spirits...pretty much anything that is considered mythological. Even though the fact that I just said "I believe in faeries" probably sounds strange to you, it all stems from when I was a child and I used to tell my mother I could see little people and obviously because I read too many books. But yeah...I really do.
- I'm not a religious person but I have an obsession with paganism. Even to the point of wearing pentagrams and having my own crystals and stones.
- I have Seasonal Affective Disorder
- I also have Anaemia and severe Vitamin D Deficiency which means I have a lot of problems with pain in my bones and muscles.
- I am the middle child.
- I begged and pleaded for a tortoise for over 5 years and I've only just got one! (Begging works)
- I study Design at University, which I love.
- I spend all of my money on Taxis to and from town which is literally a 20 minute walk from my house whoops
- I am allergic to caffeine, it makes me come up in rashes and bumps and can make me seriously ill - this is basically because I used to drink about 4 litres of Pepsi a day when I was younger.
- My family are the most important to me.
- I don't tend to keep friends for very long, nobody seems to want me in their lives ha
- Trusting people is seriously difficult for me.
- I hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE when people smoke.
- I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE when people smoke weed.
- I have really sensitive skin and it often comes out in a rash for no reason whatsoever.
- I don't like being too hot, it makes me feel sick, I'd rather be too cold.
- Falling in love completely changed me and my personality, it really made me grow up.
- I want two children, a boy and a girl.
- I have died my hair literally every possible colour and shade in the last 8 years.
- My natural hair colour is almost black.
- I love Devon and I want to live there when I move out.
- My favourite film is Beauty & The Beast.
- When I was younger I always wanted to work in Disneyland as a character actor.
- I am really good at making home-made cheese and onion pie.
- I am NEVER late for anything, the idea of being late really makes me panic and worry. This means I always set off too early.
- I need to plan the day/night or I get really worried.
- I can't watch a film without asking loads of questions.
- Sometimes I sing instead of speaking to people.
- I've been in multiple plays and musicals - my favourite was when I played Meat in the We Will Rock You Musical.
- I always wanted to act on the West-End. It was my ambition all through school and I got an A* in musical theatre at school. But when I went to College I got a U in performing arts because I refused to "pretend to be a tree"
- I cry when I'm angry because I don't know how else to express myself.
- I moan and bitch about everything.
- I wish I wore glasses.
- I wish I had natural ginger hair.
- My favourite thing to do is sit in my bed with my boyfriend, eating food and watching Beavis And Butthead.
- Most of my family live in Australia.
- I have been to Florida about 10 times, it is practically like a second home to me.
- I really HATE speaking to people on the phone, it's one of my main phobias and if you ring me I probably won't pick up.
- I have already read about 18 books this year (it's only the 31st January)
- I want to live on a farm.
- I really don't like cats. They seriously freak me out.
- I've bleached my hair so many times that it's literally falling out.
- I was once in a serious bus crash and I saw somebody die right infront of me, and I have never gotten over it and sometimes have nightmares about it *sob*
- I have a very northern, farmer accent.
- My big sister Nichola is my best friend and I absolutely adore her!
- I have real difficulties with the way I look, I hate my nose and would LOVE a nose job.